At St Stephen’s we want the best for every child which is why we believe that all children should have an equal chance of success and deserve high quality care. The curriculum that we want our children to learn and the pedagogy our staff use to help children learn has been carefully constructed to ensure all children make progress. We regularly assess what children can do and what their next steps are through working directly with children and observing them in their play. Through the Nursery and Reception year, we aim to support children to develop their ability to become self regulated learners and support their executive functioning skills. Essential to all of this, is the development of a positive partnership with parents/carers.
The characteristics of effective teaching and learning below underpin our entire approach:
For us, the EYFS provides the foundations for each of the subject disciplines that the National Curriculum is made up of, so we have used Development Matters and the Early Learning Goals to ensure that there is a clear and natural progression from the end of the Reception year into Year 1. On each subject page you will find the Nursery and Reception curriculum overview which outlines this. Below is our Nursery and Reception Curriculum.
Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (2021)