St Stephen's Pupils
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As per our Sycamore Church of England Trust Articles of Association and Scheme of Delegation, each school within the Sycamore Church of England Trust has its own Local Academy Committee (LAC), which must have a minimum of 2 parent partners in its membership.

Local Academy Committee's have powers and responsibility delegated to them by the Trust Board of Directors and from the Chief Executive Officer, so that those people closest to a school have the prerogative to work in partnership effectively.

We strongly believe that excellent schools have excellent leadership and management from within.

The Trust has a duty to ensure that it enables excellent leadership in each of our schools through empowerment and support.

The Sycamore Church of England Trust Governance Handbook includes the terms of reference for Local Academy Committees and outlines the code of conduct for partners at all levels.

St Stephen’s Local Academy Committee

Current Local Governors
Previous Local Governors
Name Type Appointed by Date of Appointment Term of Office Pecuniary Interests Resignation Date (if applicable)
Sarah. J. Howard (Chair) Foundation Appointed by Trustees 01/12/23 01/12/23- 19/07/25 Yes N/A
Sally Denney Headteacher Ex Officio 01/12/23 01/12/23 No N/A
James Roles Foundation Appointed by Trustees 01/12/23 01/12/23 - 22/10/25 No N/A
Chrissy Howard Community Appointed by Trustees 01/06/24 01/06/24 - 31/05/28   N/A
Jackie Harris Community Appointed by Trustees 01/12/23 01/12/23 - 30/11/27 Yes N/A
Lisa McCullough Parent Elected by Parents 01/12/23 01/12/23 - 30/06/26 No N/A
Benjamin Smith Staff Elected by Staff 29/10/24 29/10/24 - 28/10/28 No  
Name Type Appointing Board Term of Office Resignation Date Pecuniary Interests
Paul Sanderson  Foundation Appointed by Trustees 01/12/23 - 31/03/24 31/03/24 No
Nazia Arshid Parent Elected by Parents 01/12/23 - 19/04/24 19/04/24 No
Elizabeth Taylor  Staff Elected by Staff 18/03/24 - 17/03/28 28/10/24 No